Race to fill the target shape using a set of polyominoes before your opponents do.
Add to your Sagrada experience with the 5-6 Player Expansion! You can now enjoy more Sagrada by adding up to 2 extra players! This expansion introduces the Private Dice Pool boards for smooth gameplay through 6 players. Also includes new private objectives, tools, and window pattern cards.
Numarul de persoane care pot juca Ricochet Robots este limitat doar de spatiul existent in jurul mesei. La fiecare runda, un jucator trage un jeton pentru a determina urmatoarea tinta si robotul care trebuie sa o atinga. Fara nici un computer la dispozitie, jucatorii cauta cele mai scurte trasee pana la destinatie, folosind unul sau mai multi roboti.
Players compete for their moment in the light by placing oddly shaped building tiles.